21 Oct When you hit a wall!
We’ve all had it happen to some degree. There you are, sailing along beautifully creating away, or perhaps you are like a maniac as you create, and you hit it. A wall.
Further to the article in Embellish issue 43 about what you can do when you hit that creative wall, we have some suggestions for you. As our readers send in their suggestions we will keep adding to this blog post. Of course, you may like to add your suggestions in the comments section at the end of this blog post as well. We hope to build this blog post over time into a great reference source through which we can help each other ♥.
The first points are a summary from the article.
1. Stop, breathe, calm down.
2. Go for a walk outside in the fresh air.
3. Keep a sketchbook or camera at hand and don’t forget to look closely at things. Inspiration is everywhere!
4. Put your favourite music on.
5. Look through your unfinished pieces of art – you may decide to continue with one, or get inspiration to start another. Is there a theme?
6. Dive into your stash of beads, buttons, sequins, threads and fibres on the pretense of sorting them out ☺ – you’re bound to find something that you forgot you had and will be inspired by what you can create with it! (Jacinta White, NSW)
7. A suggestion sent in from you?
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