Australian Textile Art Award (ATAA)


The Australian Textile Art Award is a biennial juried non-acquisitive award of $2000.


What a fantastic ATAA we had for 2024! Scroll down to see the winners below! It will be on again in 2026!


Contemporary textile artists, working in any style of media, from across Australia are invited to enter. Click highlighted text for the Australian Textile Art Award 2024 Terms & Conditions and the Australian Textile Art Award 2024 Entry Form.


To keep up to date with news as it happens, you may like to Like and Follow us on our Facebook page




ATAA 2024: In addition to the $2000 ATAA, sponsored by ArtWear Publications, there are three other non-acquisitive prizes – 


    1. Judges’ Highly Commended – $500 (Sponsored by Lynda Anne)
    2. Best Use of Embroidery – $500 (Sponsored by The Embroiderers Guild, Victoria (EGV) – awarded at the discretion of the EGV)
    3. Viewers’Choice – $100 (Sponsored by ArtWear Publications)


Important Dates (refer to Terms and Conditions of Entry for relevant time constraints relating to these dates):

11th March 2024 – Closing date for submission of entries
25th March 2024 – Notification of finalists – update: changed to 26th March 2024
6th to 10th May 2024 – Delivery of selected artworks via Post or Courier
10th to 11th May 2024 – Delivery of selected artworks in person to the EGV
17th May 2024 – Official opening and the ATAA winner announced
18th May to 2nd June 2024 – Exhibition at EGV (10am-4pm weekends included)
3rd June 2024 – Collection of sold/unsold artworks



Our three judges for ATAA 2024:

Linda Crouch – Linda has been a quilter and textile artist for over 25 years. Her quilts have been exhibited nationally and internationally, and they have won awards for both hand quilting, and machine quilting.

Sally Edwards – Sally is a member of The Embroiderers Guild, Victoria, and is very active in the embroidery scene.

Mariya Waters – Mariya is an International and Australasian award-winning quilt-maker and teacher. She currently specialises in appliqué and machine quilting, but has a strong interest in embroidery and visual arts.



Please check back here regularly for all the latest news, as well as by liking and following the ATAA Facebook page


(This page’s header is a detail from Sue Senewiratne’s ATAA 2022 winning artwork “Moth Mandala”)


Our Sponsors for 2024:


ArtWear Publications Pty Ltd

Publishers of Australia’s own well respected craft and lifestyle magazines: Embellish, Felt, Yarn, Textile Fibre Forum and Vintage Made.



The Embroiderers Guild, Victoria

The home of friendly and enthusiastic stitchers of both traditional and modern embroidery.











Lynda Anne

Textile art, sewing and embroidery patterns (including cross stitch pattern generation), and more.





Genesis Creations


The Gentle Roller




Marlyn Alpaca


The Thread Studio







ATAA 2024 Results:



ATAA 2024 winner: “Aftermath” by Svenja (sponsored by ArtWear Publications):
















ATAA 2024 Judges’ Highly Commended prize winner: “Stormy Depths” by Nyree Osborne (sponsored by Lynda Anne)
















ATAA 2024 Best Use of Embroidery prize winner: “Hopes and Dreams” by Cheryl Bridgart (sponsored by The Embroiderers Guild, Victoria)
















Book of the ATAA 2024 Finalists:

The book showing all finalists’ artworks (including information about each artwork and an artist’s statement), plus information about our judges and some of their artworks may be purchased HERE.













ATAA 2022 Results:


ATAA 2022 winner:  ”Moth Mandala” by Sue Senewiratne (sponsored by ArtWear Publications):




ATAA 2022 judges’ highly commended: “A Moment in Time” by Alison Cole (sponsored by Segue Financial Services):



Best Use of Embroidery: “Queen of the Reef”  by Janine Judge (sponsored by The Embroiderers Guild, Victoria):



Special Judge’s Award (Neroli Henderson): “Chelsea the Chook” by Mary Robbie (Sponsored by It’s Secure):



Special Judge’s Award (Leonie Lister): “An Odd Pod” by Mandy Ginsberg (Sponsored by It’s Secure):



Viewers Choice: “Leafy Sea Dragon 5 (Phycodurus eques)” by Lesley Uren (sponsored by ArtWear Publications) – which coincidentally appears on the cover of the ATAA 2022 Book:


Book of the ATAA 2022 Finalists:

The book showing all finalists’ artworks (including information about each artwork and an artist’s statement), plus information about our judges and some of their artworks may be purchased HERE.



ATAA 2020 Results:


See the WINNER for 2020 as well as Highly Commended, and Best use of Embroidery: ATAA 2020 winner


ATAA 2020 winner: PAULA MARTIN (sponsored by ArtWear Publications)


ATAA 2020 judges’ highly commended: KAREN McGREGOR (sponsored by Segue Financial Services)


Best Use of Embroidery: Mandy Ginsberg (sponsored by The Embroiderers Guild, Victoria)


Due to COVID-19 lockdowns there was no Viewers Choice awarded for ATAA 2020.



Book of the ATAA 2020 Finalists:

The book showing all finalists’ artworks (including information about each artwork and an artist’s statement), plus information about our judges and some of their artworks may be purchased HERE.